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Шутки (уровень A2 Pre-intermediate)

tickbookUnbreakable Toy
star 4.6
tickbookFamily Jokes
star 4.6
tickbookFunny Conversations
star 4.8
tickbookSports Jokes
star 5
tickbookChildren's Jokes
star 4.8
tickbookSchool Jokes
star 4.5
tickbookAn Elderly Couple
star 5
tickbookJimmy and His Mom
star 5
tickbookLittle Susie
star 5
tickbookHow Parents Think of Names for Their Children
star 5
tickbookDo It in Time!
star 5
tickbookWho is Looking After the Shop?
star 5
tickbookAt the Library
star 5
tickbookHow Much...?
star 5
tickbookGive It to My Horse
star 5
tickbookScottish Character and Humor
star 5
tickbookMore about Scottish Humor
star 5
tickbookThe Poor Cat
star 5
star 5
tickbookNo Compliment
star 5
tickbookThe Cunning of an Astrologer
star 4.5
tickbookToo Young to Know the Truth
star 4.9
tickbookGreat Presence of Mind
star 4.6
tickbookThe Old Man Ano the Shark
star 4.8
tickbookToo Cold
star 4.8
tickbookFamous Echo
star 4.6
tickbookWonderful Hens
star 4.5
tickbookCourageous Mosquitoes
star 5
tickbookAn American in London
star 5
tickbookA Bright Boy
star 4.8
tickbookA Little Attention
star 4.5
tickbookEnglish Humor
star 5
tickbookTable Manners
star 4.8
tickbookI Made It All Right
star 4.7
tickbookA Clever Answer
star 4.8
tickbookEmpty Head
star 4.5
tickbookEnglish Humor
star 5
tickbookA Writer
star 4.8
tickbookSchool Jokes
star 5
tickbookEnglish Humor
star 5
tickbookThey are Not So Small
star 5
tickbookWithout Any Fans
star 5
tickbookEnglish Humor
star 5