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Уровень 4 (A1)
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Шутки (125)
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К списку
Шутки (уровень A1 Elementary)
Isn’t Mary funny?
Is Jack ill?
Funny story 1
Funny story 2
Where is my ticket?
The proud father
In the train
Buying cakes
Bobby likes ice-cream
Bobby has a brother
Bobby thinks a tortoise is happy
Bobby wants to change his name
Bobby wants to be a gorilla
What are good table manners!
Bobby's father is a teacher
Why must I wash my hands!
At the doctor's
Bobby kills the fly
Why does Bobby's brother cry?
Bobby's father has cut his finger
Bobby looks in the mirror
Why do men wear moustaches!
Bobby at table
Bobby sees his first snake
Mother, may I go out to swim?
Bobby does not want to get older
Arithmetic, apples and oranges
Larry does not want to go to school
Ten hours over a history book
A new discovery
A brave hunter
A lucky explorer
You hammer like lightning
English humor
English humor
English humor
English humor
Time for fun
English humor
English humor
Mr. and Mrs. Brown
A 3 years old boy and a pregnant woman
Nick Is Hungry
Why Take It Home?
A Sad Story
Remember: Every Little Word Helps
I Understand It, Sir
Jack Brown Speaking
Who Was His Friend?
At The Lesson
I Didn’t Lose It
Where Did You Get It?
A Picture Of A Mushroom
He Shot Them All
He Turned The Horse Round
Which Of You Three?
Why Is It Looking At Him?
It Was His Notebook
The Best Jumper
How Late I Am!
All Right!
I Am Asleep Already
Where To Cut The Cheese?
Who Has Lost It?
Don’t Send Him To School!
An Old Cake
Cut It Longer!
Have You Been Married
He Is The First
How Much Is The Zoo?
He Is Waiting For His Secretary
He Didn’t Get Anything
Where Is The First One?
Nobody Will Believe Me
Send Me My Address
A Busy Writer
Open The Window
A Busy Man
Which Foot To Take
A "Good" Boy
A Birthday Cake
I Must Go
Do They Speak English, Too?
It Was Only A Man
In A Bus
A Bear And A Hare
I Shall Do It
Tell Me A Story, Please!
What Happens When We Make Mistakes
In A London Bus
About Dolphins
Dolphin As A Player
School Jokes I
School Jokes II
Mother and Daughter
Funny Jim
Funny Pete
Funny Jokes I
Funny Jokes II
Funny Jokes III
Tommy at School
Tommy And His Friend
Tell Me, Tommy, Please
King George The Fourth
I Know My Lesson
Who Is The Laziest Person In Your Class?
At Breakfast
Which Is Brighter?
What Happened To You?
Can’t You Taste It, Sir?
Sit Still!
A Clever Answer
He Liked The Cake
Now Run Away!
She Could Help Him, But …
A Nice Man
How He Made Them Run
Who Knows?
Why They Had Masks On
Who Started It?
Waiter, I Can’t Eat This Soup
Old and young
Daddy And Son
Difficult Work