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Рассказы (уровень A0 Starter)

tickbookThe Cat and the Mice
star 4.5
tickbookLewis Carroll (1832-1898)
star 4.5
tickbookJim Has a Friend
star 4.9
tickbookPlaying in the Garden
star 4.8
tickbookThe Children Go to the Lake
star 4.9
tickbookWhose Dog is It?
star 4.9
tickbookChildren are in the Field
star 4.9
tickbookThe Children are Playing
star 5
tickbookCarrot is As Stubborn As a Donkey
star 4.9
tickbookThere are Five English Children
star 4.8
tickbookIt is Night
star 4.8
tickbookPolly Recited Some Funny Rhymes at School
star 5
tickbookA Most Thrilling Story
star 4.9
tickbookJimmy Lives in America
star 4.3
tickbookJimmy Must Go to School
star 4.9
tickbookLily Has a Cat
star 4.8
tickbookMr. Dale is As Tall…
star 4.6
tickbookLittle Mouse
star 5