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Harriet Beecher Stowe (1812-1896)

star 4.5

There are few people nowadays who do not know Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book “Uncle Torn's Cabin”. But it is almost impossible to describe the great impression made by the book when it was first published in the U. S. A. in 1852, nine years before the Civil War between the North and the South began (1861—1865).

The book was based on actual facts, for the author of the novel had carefully studied the conditions of Negroes in the South of the U. S. A. The book is full of love for man and describes very vividly the hard life of the Negroes in America. It tells the readers the truth about the cruel fate of the Negro slaves.

The book crystallized the feelings of American progressive people and became one of their most effective weapons in their struggle for the abolition of slavery.

(Оценок: 33)
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