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This Wonderful World

star 4.9

How wonderful are the rhythms of the world!

In nature the rhythms that we hear range from the singing of a bird to the roar of a lion, from the barking of a dog to the beating of your own heart.

Look at the stripes of the zebra or the tiger, the graceful neck of the giraffe, the jump of a monkey, the clouds moving across the sky, the rhythm of the circles when you throw a stone into water. The unseen rhythms of electromagnetic waves come right into your house, bringing your favorite programs onto your TV screen!

The earth moves in its own rhythm around the sun, as all the planets do. The moon moves around the earth as well as around the sun. The rhythms of the sun and the moon influence the sea, the seasons, and us.

Such are seen and unseen, heard and unheard rhythms of our world.

(Оценок: 30)
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