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Some Mysteries of Rhythm

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There are rhythms in nature which we can hardly explain. Nobody knows why, for example, different kinds of birds always build their own kinds of nests, each with its own rhythmical shape.

A South American oven-bird’s nest is always oven shaped. An oriole’s nest hangs down like a hammock. The cells of each comb are always of the same shape and of the same two sizes.

How each new bird or bee knows how to create the same rhythmical shapes we do not know, but we call it instinct.

Old swallows and young swallows all fly through the sky in the same order, and wild geese always fly in the same V-formations. For some reason wild geese find it easier to fly this way.

Men and women create rhythms that make things easier to do, too. In fact, some things could not be done at all without rhythm. If you live in the country, watch a man or a woman churning butter. If he or she does not churn with an even rhythm, there will be no butter. Watch your mother beating cake batter. If she beats this way, that way, then slow, then fast, the cake will not come out a good one. But if she beats her batter with a steady rhythm, everything is mixed well, and it is a good cake.

(Оценок: 23)
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