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How many ducks have you?
I have two ducks and ten ducklings.
How many hens have you?
I have eight hens.
How many cows have you?
I have one cow.
How many dogs have you?
I have two dogs.
How many books has this boy?
He has eleven.
How many copy-books has that girl?
She has four.
How many pens has she?
She has ten pens.
How many kittens have you?
I have three kittens.
How many chickens has the hen?
It has eleven.
How many ducklings has the duck?
It has eight.
How many kittens has the cat?
It has three.
How many dolls has the girl?
She has two.
How many sticks has the boy?
He has five.
How many hats have I?
You have one.